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Hi Gernot!
I'm from Finland (the happiest country in the world, maybe not true), but I am when I got your message, thanks :) . Please put the contact information, I will inquire about the repair from them.
Have a nice weekend and thank you very much for your reply!
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Hi guys ,what can be done if Wiegandt Tonmaster cartridges is broken,are there any options?
Is it ever for sale?
R. Vellu
Hallo Leute, was kann man tun, wenn das Wiegandt Tonmaster-Tonabnehmersystem kaputt ist? Gibt es irgendwelche Möglichkeiten?
Steht es jemals zum Verkauf? ( Google translate)
von - by
Alles rund um Musikboxen
What should be resistance in coupling solenoid Nsm Hit 120A (41491)?Grateful for the information.
R. Vellu
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Alles rund um Musikboxen
Hey guys, do you know what plastic NSM City2, hatch, "door" is. I should do glues
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I have problems with the cd magazine, the manufacturer has sent some "service bullets", does anyone have them and could I get copies so I can make the changes and hope they help. Tips are also welcome. (CDX-A20)
r. vellu
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Alles rund um Musikboxen
Jurgen, thank YOU very much for your great support and effort.
I examined the device with a logic pen (old school :) ) and found the fault in ic703. I ordered it from China and guess what, it started working. Covid gave an additional challenge, sorry for the delay in telling you,
(summary = two 57163 and 5782 have been exchanged)
Best regards Vellu
von - by
Alles rund um Musikboxen
Thanks for the advice Jurgen, I made measurements and everything was ok (I think) -20.8v 8.7v, I cleaned and soldered many points and also changed the circuit but no result.
What do you think, does 702 or 703 have any effect?
von - by
Alles rund um Musikboxen
Now I measured the voltage, it is 2.45 approx. when I plug the connector the voltage drops to 2.15 vac. do you know if it is critical
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Alles rund um Musikboxen
Yes i have changed it (2x) ,I'll try to test the screen next time I go to the "workshop", thanks Jurgen
Thanks Swen, yes the device works perfectly and the LEDs too, only the numbers are missing, what do you suggest
Otherwise have any knows is Bartox Systems company "in live"because no one answer
von - by
Alles rund um Musikboxen
Now i got ic 57163( 3x) and record display started to work :), but "credit" card didn't, question ,can i test is the card itself broken or displaycard,in easy way(my skills :( )? And Swen thanks ,i wrote to Bartox fellow and asked, can i modify his system to suit my model (476). There are not answered yet.
von - by
Alles rund um Musikboxen
Yes, I have polished the pins, it didn't help, otherwise is the circuit a voltage regulator for display only or does it have another function?
Thank you for the information on the place of purchase, I ordered the circuits from Germany, thank you all. I will send a message how it went(repair).
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Alles rund um Musikboxen
Hello Jurgen, and many thanks, both ic are broken because the fault followed when I exchanged them,now I have to start hunting for new ones, do you have any ideas?
R .vellu
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Alles rund um Musikboxen
Which could cause the problem shown in the picture.There is no contact fault or segment fault.
The device has been out of use for many years.Please give suggestions
r. vellu
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Alles rund um Musikboxen
That's explains a lot, thank you very much Swen. Can I send few pictures to your email and you advise me what I should sopii on the card for Dc motor
von - by
Alles rund um Musikboxen
Thanks for the reply Swen. It is an awkward case what is the difference in the card when there is a dc or ac motor
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Alles rund um Musikboxen
I have solved a few problems but what causes the "motor braking resistor"(R232) to heat up really hot, the cover melts ?Swen,what you think about that ?
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Alles rund um Musikboxen
Sorry for the delay, other work. I mean whether they fit the same device even though they are slightly different, (motor brake...)
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Alles rund um Musikboxen
More questions about whether the cards are compatible or if there is a certain difference
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Alles rund um Musikboxen
Ok, and thanks Swen, now I need to investigate what is the reason it doesn't work
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Alles rund um Musikboxen
HI guys, what is your opinion, is the Hideaway 160 compatible with the E160 compi (Jukebox World Archiv pictured, above) I got a fix for this kind of combination, I think the basic machines are different but can the machines connect together
von - by
Alles rund um Musikboxen
The problem is, can these work together ,grateful for the information
reg .vellu
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Alles rund um Musikboxen
Hello hello, the amplifier is fine, I replaced all 8 diodes and it helped. Now a new problem, Nsm city 2 and the screen is dark, the screen itself is okay. What is the next doubt in your mind in control box. And wife, she is.....:)
von - by
Alles rund um Musikboxen
Thank you so much for the information and advice to you all. Now it is so that my wife forbade touching the Jukeboxes before Christmas, and i have to be nice before Christmas :) ... :( ,but I do research after Christmas and tell you what happened. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
von - by
Alles rund um Musikboxen
Hello and thanks for information
Is this the reason that Rowe rejected this amplifier model?
What do you suggest, what would I check?
r. vellu
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Alles rund um Musikboxen
good news, i found the manual from the internet,i keep research if there are instructions for adjusting the current .
thanks Jürgen for tips.
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