Rock Ola 445
20.11.14 17:38
I have a jukebox Rock Ola 445 where i sometimes have a problem.
When I make a selection the mechanism start to find the selection and put it on the turntable. when the arm goes to the single, sometime it goes to long and start to play a little inside the song. I Have looked for the mechanicle, and it seems to be OK. It seems that the motor is going to fast, so that the arm turn to long distance. Do someone know about semilar problem, and how to solve it.
Thank You.
Re: Rock Ola 445
21.11.14 05:14

To ajust the tonearme loosen the screw behind it
Now you can ajust the tonearm in the right position
Tou must ajust it when the tone arm is on the record
See picture

Re: Rock Ola 445
21.11.14 15:45
Hello Again
Thank you.
I have tried to adjust, but the problem is that the curve that bring the arm in the playposition seems to go to fast. Therefor the weight of the pickuparm make it continue, and therefor going to long because of the speed. if I put a finger on the pickuparm (To make a little resistance) when it moves,it stop in the right position every time.
I think if the motor for the curve goes a little slower it could solve the problem, but this speed is fixed and not possible to adjust.Everything seems to be original, so I do not understand why it happen.
My problem is a little difficult to discripe, but I hope that give a indication of what happen.
Any good ideas what to look for?
Re: Rock Ola 445
21.11.14 20:29
Hello maponi

On the cam, which leads the tonearm, there is a spring. (see [] ) This spring is often broken and then the tone arm is not exactly placed.

Best regards - charly49
Re: Rock Ola 445
21.11.14 20:43
Hello Charly
Thank You
It sound like that is my problem. I have not seen a spring like photo in my Jukebox, and discription is just what happen when I make a selection.
I look for it monday. Do you know where to look?
Re: Rock Ola 445
22.11.14 07:23
Hello Again Charly
Now I have found where the spring is placed, and you are right, It is broken. Now I also can see the function of the spring, so that excact what wrong. The spring make the same restiance, as I can do with my finger.
Thank for all response.
Thank You wery much
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