RockOla breakdown
30.03.14 13:56
After 10 years of worry-free operation, I have a problem with my beloved Rock-Ola Model 1484 (Serial No 232178). I experience the following failure: The 'write-in' arm is continually scanning, even if I select manually one of the pins.

I moved a few pins to see if any of them could be knocked off but no success. The arm is rotating eternally without activating any selection. The disks drum is not moving.

Any idea/suggestions?

I have no skills for intrusive intervention - I can try the basic diy with the right instructions

Thanks in advance

Re: RockOla breakdown
30.03.14 21:34
Hello Chris

I think we first need to clarify some things in order to avoid misunderstandings. If a selector lever is shifted to "selected" position (whether by selecting with the keyboard or by hand) the record magazine would run and the record would have to be played. If this is not the case, there is a further error.

The selection process is described in an archive entry. If the Write In arm runs forever, the error is very often found on the sliding contacts. Another possibility is a contact problem in the keyboard.

The selection process is also described in the service manual exactly. There is a wiring diagram for each step, in which the components involved are highlighted. If you do not have a service manual, you should buy one. It is available in the shop.

Best regards - charly49
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