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Hello, I have a Wurlitzer 3600 that everything seems to work on it except an issue with canceling the accumulator latch pins sometimes. When I select a song the latch pin will be popped up everytime but sometimes when the cancel solenoid plunger goes down to cancel the pin it slides to the side of it and gets hung there. So when that record is done playing and returned it just picks it back up an
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I have finally been able to start working on this Jukebox again. I was taking the selection accumulator out of the unit to clean everything up good and all of a sudden three C clips just fall out of nowhere. So I clean everything up the best I can and get it all put back together. Well when I chose C8 and C0 like before they both canceled. But then when I chose U7 it played but after returning th
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The W3700 has a 556 amp and my W3600 has a 553 amp. If I had a way I could send you a PDF copy of my W3600 if that is allowed.
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I think on this Jukebox I can take the amp out of it and the rest of the unit will still operate for testing.
Do you know if this is correct
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Ok a cell phone will work just fine. I had what I call a brain fart. I tried my phone on my stereo in my office and it did not work in there either. So come to find out the volume on my phone was way down. So then I tried it again on the Jukebox. Well it sounded exactly the same as it does with the phono/record player hooked up. so it is the amp.
I have unhooked all Jukebox speakers and hooked
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Swen, thank you for your help so far.
Doing this I have a selection made on the Jukebox and the record playing so the amp has power. Should a cell phone work with a cable with a head phone Jack on one end and 2 RCA Jack's on the other end plugged into the phono input of the amp? I tried this but get no sound out of the amp to the speakers.
Does it have to be a specific signal? What all
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Ok I checked the traces that the 4 fingers run on that give the read out and cancel coils there power. It was pretty clean but I went ahead and cleaned it. It still does not cancel those 2 selections. There could be more but I am thinking maybe if I fix those two it will take care of any problems with others. At least i can start there. Maybe that finger needs to be pushed up against the traces h
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It did convert it to English after I posted and then went back to it. I will check that stuff you suggested out. I am in the US. Thanks
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Thank you for the reply. Is there a way I can convert the reply to English so I can read it. I am having to use my tablet at this time. Before it has given me the option at the bottom of the screen but I can not seem to get it to do that now. Thanks
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Hello all, It has been awhile since I have worked on a Jukebox. I have only worked on a few. I have a new to me Wurlitzer 3600 jukebox that plays the same two songs everytime I select a song to play. If I select U7 side A it will start operating and move to C7 and play side B until the end. Then it returns it and moves and picks up C9 and plays side B and returns it. Then it moves and picks up U
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Well I finally decided to send the amp off to get the hum repaired. The guy I sent it to said they had stuff all messed up. That it was not setup correct for Cobra or a newer cartridge. He said there were capacitors were they should not be. The wrong size caps and resistors. He said there was to much voltage getting into the amp and if used for a period of time would have burnt it up. Got it back
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I got this machine pretty much complete. It all works now and sounds good. There is a strap that is suppose to be on the door with a snap connector on it. Does anyone know what this connector is actually called? Where I might find one. I found a guy on the internet that had made some but when I contacted him he said he did not have any made up. Also that it would be awhile before he was able to m
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Jurgen, how would I go about getting this voltage of the hum signal at max volume? Would this be with nothing hooked to the input? What would be the best tool to use getting this voltage DMM or scope? I am new to Jukeboxes but really want to learn. More new to tube amps than anything. I guess I can take this reading at the speaker terminals on the amp just like I did with the Hz reading of the h
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Ok. I screwed up. Had the scope on the wrong setting. The hum is 120Hz. I did remove the 12AU7 tube and there was no change in hum. To answer an earlier question the PCB board has been recapped. I will put a pic of it up. So now with me finally getting you the correct information for the Hz of the hum. Where do you think I should start. So basically just go with what Jurgen02 said earlier about i
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I will try to remove the (12AU7) tube tomorrow and report back. The tube I have circled in red on the pic is the tube I changed. It might have made a little difference in the hum but very little. The hum is the same if there is something hooked to the input or nothing hooked to the input. I am pretty sure about the 52Hz reading. That is what the scope says anyway. Thanks
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I got it tested. The hum is 52Hz. With Jürgen02 saying the following is there anyway short of replacing every tube to check to see if any of them are the source of the hum. Since he said Hum induced by the filament cannot be easily detected with tube tester?
"If the hum is 50Hz, check for bad GND connections in the amp, shieldings, heating voltage circuitry or bad tubes. Hum induced by th
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Thanks for the replies. I will check that stuff out as soon as I can and report back. Dang bad cold has me down now. Another question on these Wurlitzer Jukeboxs. The connectors in this Jukebox have seen better days. A lot of them are suppose to have the guide in the middle of the connector to make sure they are put in correctly. All but maybe 2 of the connectors in this jukebox that piece of pla
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Hello all, I have a 1957 Wurlitzer 2104 that has the 532 AMP. The amp has been rebuilt and does work. The built in power supply was rebuilt also. The problem is there is a pretty bad hum. If the volume is all the way down there is no hum. If you start turning the volume up the hum starts and gets louder as the volume goes up. There is nothing hooked to the input of the amp. The florescent lights
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Wanted to report back that I received the record carrier arm I was missing from Bill Butterfield and Got it installed and it fit like it should. I have the mechanism working now. I have not fully tested it yet but the records I have selected load correctly and play then return correctly. If I run into more issues i guess i should start a new post about it correct? Thanks for the help
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Well I received the AMI model F service manual and it has no information about the F40 at all. It only has information about the F80 and F120. All the information in the whole manual is about the units that have the stationary record holder and the turn table unit moves. On the F40 the turn table unit is stationary and the record holder moves. Was there just not many F40 made so there is no infor
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Bill Butterfield told me the arm is correct for the F40. He had me send him pics of the Jukebox because he knew they made them but has never seen one. I had noticed there is no mention of Model F on his site. The arm has been ordered and hopefully I will receive it in a few days. Then I can start trying to figure some things out when the manual comes in. Thanks for everything valiant.
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I got back on his site and realized there was no phone number listed. So I sent him an email also.
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Thank you for the help so far. I looked at the Ebay listing. It says A B C D E but not F. So I sent him a message asking him if it is the same and will work just to make sure. I don't know how often he checks his messages so I might call him. I found his site online.
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When I receive the manual hopefully it will have the part numbers for all of the parts I am missing.
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valiant, Thank you. Yes a pic of the linkage after you get it apart would be great. I cant tell if the pin coming off of the chain just goes thru that linkage then into the hole of the record carrier. So the pic of the linkage would be great. Is the pic you posted of a AMI C model? Would it be the exact same linkage on the F40? If so what all units would use the same linkage? Thanks again
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From what I have been able to find so far it looks like on the F40 the record carrier is what moves and on the rest of the F series the turntable unit is what moves. Is this correct? I just need to figure out how the chain hooks to the record carrier on my F40. Thanks
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Hello everyone, I am new here. I am from the United states and am hoping to get some help from the experts. I love to work on pinball, arcade and slot machines. I am wanting to start working on some jukeboxs. I have read there is a lot of experts on this forum. I have a 1954 AMI F40 Jukebox that I am trying to bring back to life. When I got the Jukebox and started looking it over I noticed there
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