Wurlitzer 1400
25.11.23 23:44
Hello, I am working on a Wurlitzer 1400 and I don't know much about the mechanism even with the manual. The problem I'm having is that the selection being made isn't locked in place into the index wheel. So after it pulls the tray out, the segment gear zips up and jams up the record stack.
If anyone is familiar with these mechs, I have a question. Attached is a picture of the "actuator lever & pawl assembly". Should there be a roller on the "pin"? I think it may have worn through and fallen out. Thanks.

Re: Wurlitzer 1400
26.11.23 23:46
Hello Tony,

i really don't know where this part/arm should be in the 1400 mechanism. Maybe you can send another
picture to see where it sits. Wider angle or so with the mechanism stuff around.....
The 1250, 1400 and 1600 mechanisms are nearly identical 48 selection phonographs.
I have a 1250 myselfe. If i would know where your "part" sits, i can take a look at my box about.
If there is the same part i can let you know then how it should look about. My box works fine like it should.

Thanks and best wishes

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