NSM Prestige fails to play both sides of record

geschrieben von - posted by Ceri4924 
NSM Prestige fails to play both sides of record
28.04.23 11:37
My NSM Prestige 160 plays the A side of records properly, but when I select a B side the machine selects the correct record from the carriage but plays the A side backwards. I am therefore assuming it recognises that a B side has been selected but the arm is not moving to the correct side of tge record.
Can anyone advise where the problem may be and how to correct it? (I have the service manual and a fair degree of technical ability). Thank you.
Re: NSM Prestige fails to play both sides of record
28.04.23 12:25
A - B Seitenumschaltung auf der Rückseite des Laufwerks verharzt .
Re: NSM Prestige fails to play both sides of record
28.04.23 12:26

this problem appears frequently:

Re: NSM Prestige fails to play both sides of record
28.04.23 12:58
Eigentlich gehört der von Jens verlinkte Beitrag ins ??? Archiv , so wie er ist zu Punkt 12 .
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