NSM Concert 240 / reading issue
26.01.22 08:23

I have one issue on my concert 240 NSM :

it is taking the record, and reading by diamand is Ok but as soon it touches the record, it come back and replace the record in their position ! so no reading

I have check the operating switch and it is OK
When I disconnect this switch from the board on carriage , no change of the failure, always the same defect
It seems that the signal given to the board has no effect

If I put this carriage on other juke City 4, same defect
if I put a god carriage on the concert, it is working perfectly

So the location of the defect is on the Concert carriage which is specific (same ES4 technology but not the same PCBA and carriage) !

If you have good idea or if you have in the past same type of defect , perhaps it could help me for the solving problem
Thank you

You can write in German, I will do my translation, thank you again
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