AMI wallbox W120 taking from cover off
14.05.21 14:34
Does anyone have any experience of taking front door off an AMI W120 wallbox.

The door is unlocked and opens.

What I would like to do (before getting it rechromed) is to remove the door from the back section.

It looks as if it should be possible to remove the "hinge" - There is a screw thread - in close up in picture of lower hinge.
But not sure how to do this. Grateful for any suggestions!



Re: AMI wallbox W120 taking from cover off
14.05.21 14:53
Does anyone have any experience of taking front door off an AMI W120 wallbox.

Answering my own question! Solved. The lower hinge taps out easily - What I thought was a screw thread were some spacing washers.
Lower hinge was removed easily. Thanks for reading this far - and if anyone needs any advice on wallboxes I will share what I learn! Hoping to get this working with my AMI jukebox - but think I will use the contacts to drive a small low power Arduino to send the pulse train. (WIthouiu damaging any of the current working.)
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