nsm satellite 200
18.12.16 19:03
Hello everyone!

I have had the good? fortune to acquire a 1982 NSM satellite 200. It is my first attempt at repairing a jukebox and so far it has been a lot of fun but a lot to learn as well. I have a little electronic experience which helps. I've managed to get everything working again except that after it loads a record it will eject it without playing it. The amp circuit isn't being activated. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have all the schematics and manuals. Thanks for any help you can offer.
Re: nsm satellite 200
18.12.16 22:20
Found the problem. Faulty wire on the microswitch on the back of the carriage.
Re: nsm satellite 200
18.12.16 22:21
Oha als Anfängerstück gleich ne Satellite 200 , na ja jeder baut sich seine eigene Hölle . So wie du schreibst hört sich das nach Neuerwerb an , also letztlich völlig unbekannter Status . Prüf bitte als erstes ob alle Sicherungen den Richtigen Wert haben . Als nächstes ob sich auch das Richtige Laufwerk in der Box befindet .
Re: nsm satellite 200
19.12.16 16:42
Thank you for your reply, Swen. It is now functioning almost 100%. It will play the A side of every record, but will not move the tone arm correctly to play the B side. I have just resoldered the LED sensors on the front of the carriage. I will put the carriage back in to the juke box and see if it works. I will let you know the results.
By the way, I don't know if you are aware of this, but many cellphone cameras can detect infrared light, and will display it as a purple light. I found this to be very useful in testing the infrared emitters on the carriage.

Have a good day.
Re: nsm satellite 200
21.12.16 13:18
Everything works now except it will not play b sides unless I manually move the tone arm. I believe it's a mechanical issue. If I put the tonearm in the b side position and play an a side song it will move the tonearm slider to the right but won't move it back to the left for b sides.
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