Seeburg U100 Reversing Switch arcing
07.11.16 18:57
Hi, whilst trying to locate a motor problem I have identified that the reversing swicth on my U100 Discotheque is arcing and burning the switches out.

Is there an electrical item responsible for managing the amps to the switch and if so is this likely to be the problem ? If not what do you suggest ?
Re: Seeburg U100 Reversing Switch arcing
10.11.16 13:20
Hello Percy

On the reversing switch there are two changeover contacts, which switch the direction of rotation of the motor. On both, a voltage of 110VAC is applied between the two outer contact blades. An arc arises when the middle contact blade has too little clearance from the outer ones during the switchover. There are stiffening plates between the contacts. Take care that they do not cause a short circuit while switching.

Best regards - charly49
Re: Seeburg U100 Reversing Switch arcing
11.11.16 13:31
Hi, that's great I will have a look this weekend. Thanks for coming back to me.
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