Wurlitzer Lyric E
01.07.16 18:36
Working on this machine and have a problem with selections being repeated over and over. The selection pins have been cleaned and are not bent or dirty. After a selection is made the crank arm searches, the pin at the end of the crank arm finds the selection, the crank arm micro switch is actuated and record is loaded and played but keeps repeating. What i notice is that the crank arm after it meets with a selection pin it jumps back about 3 mm. However the crank arm is able to cancel the selection pin so it doesn't jump back too much but the micro switch on this assembly is not releasing . If i push the crank arm slightly forward after a record has been loaded i can hear the switch being released or if hold the crank arm/searcher tip at the selection pin during the search process the micro switch will actuate and release and the record will not repeat From any wurlitzer i have seen i think the crank arm searcher tip should be nice and tight with the selection pin when it meets it and not jump back. To me it seems that the crank jumping back that small distance is enough to prevent the micro switch being released
Is there any common problem that could cause this maybe the back stop pawls on the record carriage. Here is short you tube clip of a selection being made.


1 mal bearbeitet. Zuletzt am 06.07.16 22:20.

Re: Wurlitzer Lyric E
06.07.16 15:49
Has anyone had experience with this problem on a Wurlitzer jukebox, sorry about the you tube clip the link doesn't seem to bring you to it
admin (Administrator)
Re: Wurlitzer Lyric E
06.07.16 15:57
This URL works for your video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlAiUA5YLoI&feature=youtu.be

Hildegard Stamann
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