Rock ola 481 max2 selection display shows allways 100

geschrieben von - posted by Andres 
Rock ola 481 max2 selection display shows allways 100
18.05.15 22:00
I have a rock ola 481, Jukeboks works fine, but when I make selections then selections display shows right selections numbers and after few seconds shows 100 and led "sie hören jetzt" lit on. (even in standby mode ). Normally they must be blank. Jukeboks plays right records.Logic board 53560A and credit unit do their test correctly. ),9,6v ,32v and -21v are ok. If I understand correctly then logic board store selections in his memory and send now playing record number to display. If I select 150 then display must show 150 and led "sie hören jetzt" must be on..(hit tracker get right info). Maybe someone knows what the problem might be, Maybe someone see that situation before. may be defectiv IC403 CD4503BCN / MM80C97N in data line ?

Best Regards.
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