Wurlitzer 135 stepreceiver

geschrieben von - posted by redfre 
Wurlitzer 135 stepreceiver
05.02.06 22:12
Hello. Could anyone help me with my restoration of a Wurlitzer 135 stepreceiver. I need a picture of the under side of the chassis, showing the wiring and parts placement. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Fred Sardisco.
Re: Wurlitzer 135 stepreceiver
05.02.06 23:18
Hello Fred
I have a restored and working 135 stepreceiver in my collection. I can take a picture of the under side.
Please give me your email address, so I can send you a picture. Here in that forum there is a limit of KB for sending pictures. If you want to see details, the picture should be one with many KB, I think.
Here is my email address: wurliking@aol.com

Best wishes from Germany
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