Spam Mails über den Anzeigenmarkt

geschrieben von - posted by Mcc 
Spam Mails über den Anzeigenmarkt
17.09.14 18:41

da grast wohl ein Robot das Anzeigen Forum ab und antwortet auf die Anzeigen, jetzt schon meine 3. Mail in 4 Tagen....

Auch andere betroffen ???

Hier die Mail:

Hallo Claude !

Akki (, Quowv5C2i5Lq) hat eine Nachricht zu Ihrer Anzeige Lautsprecher AMI D40 hinterlassen:

Hi ALL,I've just looking for ioomrnatifn about docking in live of ATV 2,but on swiss page ESA swiss and on ESA french page, it's write about docking on 25 february. is it correct or is it on 24 february.Thanks for your answer

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


Stamann Musikboxen
Inh.: Hildegard Stamann
Schafskamp 2 | 27243 Klein Henstedt | Deutschland
Tel.: +49 (0)4224-264 | Fax: +49 (0)4224-1348 | E-Mail: |
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE249241577

Claude freundlichen Grüssen aus Lutzelburg.

W 312 , Mills Throne of Music , Seeburg 146 - 147 , Rock Ola 1428 , W 1550 , Ami D40 , R.O. Regis 1488 , Wurltzer Lyric 1961 , Barcobox
admin (Administrator)
Re: Spam Mails über den Anzeigenmarkt
17.09.14 21:09
Hallo Claude,

ja, andere sind auch betroffen.

Wir wissen schon um das Problem. Nachdem wir Spams dieser Art bisher vermeiden konnten, scheint es jetzt ein robot geschafft zu haben.

Also, nicht antworten. Ich vermute, daß diejenigen, die dahinterstecken, gültige email-Adressen auf diese Art sammeln wollen.

Viele Grüße - Hildegard (als admin)

Re: Spam Mails über den Anzeigenmarkt
18.09.14 11:51
Hello Hildegard,
I received same Spam Mail, I don't answer them but what will you do for this problem ? Cyber attak ? (Answer in English please)
Have a good day.
Regards BTTV cool smiley

Amor (, JGpsQTv645d) hat eine Nachricht zu Ihrer Anzeige Ersatzteile in Carquefou hinterlassen:
My biadhtry is next week, and it would be the best biadhtry gift ever! I read the book and saw the movie. I love the story so much, and of course I am a HUGE Rob fan! Also, Uma is one of my favorite actresses ever. I just want this so bad!

Wayne (, FOZ5nwTP) hat eine Nachricht zu Ihrer Anzeige MECHANISM TRIM DECAL FOR AMI/BAL-AMI MODEL G hinterlassen:
I love Bel Ami. I read the book before I knew Rob was going to be in the movie. I was so lokniog forward to seeing the movie when it came out but I live where the movie wasn't showing. I am an out of work school worker and cannot afford the movie right now. I would to receive this movie.Thank YouBUY BEL AMI

Ariel (, 3O29zT7D) hat eine Nachricht zu Ihrer Anzeige 4 WHEELS FOR AMI / SEEBURG / WURLITZER / ROCKOLA ? hinterlassen:
Generally speaking, the snttieg can be saved after you restart the player. You can try to open again to check weather the snttieg is changed. I loop my record in freesmith record player, and it can remember my operation when I open the free record player the next time.

Ihsan (, gNU6UZGvSSJu) hat eine Nachricht zu Ihrer Anzeige MECHANSIM BASE FOR BAL-AMI G80 hinterlassen:
Dear fellow aynonmous,Section 43 is confusing for sure as regards what dates have significance. If u read 43(1) and (2) the order is - patent is granted, patent is entered in the register and publication of the fact that patent is granted. Hence, Feb 23,July 6 and July 13. Nw the problem is date of grant is significant only to the patentee since it is only after this date that he can institute an infringement action. But for purposes of the public to be able to file a post grant opposition, the date of publication in the journal is significant. Don't know why we need the date on which the patent is entered into the register OR what significance does it have.Sir, would like to know if u agree with me.Best regards

Kadir (, IZLBNnzi) hat eine Nachricht zu Ihrer Anzeige DIVERSE PARTS FOR AMI and BAL-AMI hinterlassen:
omg, ist der niedlich!!ich bin vebrielt!! <3die beschenkte wird sich sicherlich sehr darfcber freuen, der ist ja nur noch sfcdf!! <3liebe grfcdfe,sarah.

6°) Leonid (, rnUFHDFjTsP) hat eine Nachricht zu Ihrer Anzeige FRONT WINDOW ASSEMBLIES FOR AMI G80 hinterlassen:
Good luck. I can't link my application but if you chnage your name with /skylark-creations you should be able to find it if you would take a look please. Thanks

admin (Administrator)
Re: Spam Mails über den Anzeigenmarkt
18.09.14 16:34

we will check with our technician what can be done about this. That will take some time of course.

But I am sure: We will never be able to avoid 100% of all spams.

During the last year we could protect against spam. This shows that we already used a good system which it is not visible for user.

My impression ist that a robot did send an email to each ad in the classifieds market. That's why some did get a few spams, others only one.
Today no spam action could be seen by us.

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