Continental 2 Piano Hinge

geschrieben von - posted by tubesglow 
Continental 2 Piano Hinge
30.01.13 13:21
I would like to disassemble the piano hinge that allows the front panel to hinge. I would like to get it replated as it is solid rust. My question is, can I punch out the drill rod that keeps the 2 halves together (with a lot of penetrating oil) or is one section "crimped" against the rod to prevent me from doing this. Has anyone had to do this, in restoring their machine ?
Thanks in advance...
Re: Continental 2 Piano Hinge
03.02.13 14:30
Hello Tony,
in case you didn't figure out how to disassemble that hinge yet - a close-up picture would help to give some advice.
Usually at least one side of the inner rod is flat, sometimes both sides.

Kind regards - Oliver Stamann
Re: Continental 2 Piano Hinge
04.02.13 20:39
Well after getting the hinge off the machine, I got most of the rust off with a wire wheel. I was able to get a better look at the hinge.
It seems to be "crimped" or has little "press" marks on both ends about 1/8 " back. It prevents the inner drill rod from being punched out.
What I did was to use a flat screwdriver and small flat punch to reverse the crimp. I was able to use a small round punch to then knock the drill rod slowly in both directions to loosen it up. After, a liberal amount of penetrating oil, I was able to remove the drill rod with the aid of a vise and punch.
After getting both "halves" and rod de-rusted, it is ready for the plate shop.
I guess anything is do-able if you think things through.

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