Update on my 1493 Princess problem- and a puzzle question!

geschrieben von - posted by morganrue 
Update on my 1493 Princess problem- and a puzzle question!
17.11.12 20:26
Hello jukebox friends! The problem with my "old" 1493 was related to relay number 1 being "unco-operative"!

I say "old" 1493 because today I collected my "new" 1493....Uwe Ebener had for sale a re-chromed 1493 working perfectly, and I "traded- in" my old one!

The new one looks really great,but, as usual, I have a question...

Uwe provided a spring, which I believe is somehow fitted to the upper door release key-lock. As you know this key makes two hooks rotate at each end of the 'box, allowing the top to be opened. On my old 1493 there was no spring fitted anywhere.

Should there be a spring which is compressed as the key turns to release the locks?

I can post a picture if necessary, in case this question makes no sense!

Happy to receive your answers,

best regards

Morgan in Luxembourg
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