Wurlitzer 1100 question
22.03.12 19:00
Hi .
Does anyone know ???
The inside of an Wurlitzer 1100(the place behind the screen) is it a wood base or is the wood base fixed with leather or leatherlook .
Or does anyone know if there are two types . So both could be??

Thanks in advance

kind regards Leon
Re: Wurlitzer 1100 question
22.03.12 19:15
It is a Woodboard printed in Leatherlook. I know only on Type.
You can get a reproduction in the Shop.
mfg Willi!
Re: Wurlitzer 1100 question
22.03.12 19:20
Hi Willi

Thanks for your reply.

The reason for question this , someone told me it''s not original (the leatherlook print)
So i was curious if there are two types.
Thats why i ask for help
grusse Leon
Re: Wurlitzer 1100 question
22.03.12 19:27
Hi Leon!
I restored 5 of it and always was the same Board inside.
mfg Willi!
Re: Wurlitzer 1100 question
22.03.12 19:29

Then there should be only one type and was the guy who told me it is not original wrong .

grusse leon
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