rockola 477

geschrieben von - posted by seancalla 
rockola 477
06.11.10 12:22
I have a rockola 477 working fairly ok, just a few issues with it. When you switch it on the magazine starts to rotate and stops after about 2 seconds, if i switch off and on again it rotates fine-any ideas what causes this.
Also if you select for example 5 songs, the first one plays but the jukebox doesn't play the rest, this doesn't happen all the time and occurs on a random basis but more mostly when the machine is initially switched on( its as if the jukebox has erases the selections). Other times the whole selection will be played. I have gone through the test on the logic board, sometimes it works other times it doesn't, has anybody any ideas
Re: rockola 477
07.11.10 12:34
Hi Sean,

When the magazine stops before the home position,check if the playrelay is energized. If yes,then i think that the problem is a bad contact on the latching relay (K301- power interface board)

Regards Piet
Re: rockola 477
07.11.10 14:09
I would also check all voltages, not only for the correct level but also for ripple. If the capacitors loose capacity, the voltages are not "clean" enough. If the problem only occours if the jukebox is cold, and everything works when it's warmed up, this may be a sign for faulty capacitors. You can also try to warm up the electronics with a hairdryer if there's a temperature related problem. Keep the warm air away from the records, they will warp.
Re: rockola 477
07.11.10 14:55
Thanks for the replies, regarding capacitors any particular ones
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