NSM Satellite 200 carriage problem: ERR FF

geschrieben von - posted by bdesalvo 
NSM Satellite 200 carriage problem: ERR FF
31.12.24 15:14
Having similar problems with my 200 as well.
but as it moves left to right the counter selection LED indicate where it is at, so it thinks that where it is.
and as it moves the arm on the bottom that loads the 45 does not seem to go all the way down and drags on the LPs
it also does not stay to the right it resides about 6" in towards the left. so, after all the movement it ERR FF out.
oh, it does not play a record on its own. it moves like it plays, so i load one in and it works, when it's over it unloads it so i select another, but it just stays there

1 mal bearbeitet. Zuletzt am 31.12.24 16:05.
Re: NSM Satellite 200 carriage problem: ERR FF
31.12.24 18:19
had to load 45 manually..
it will play them once done ejects and still plays again..
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