Wurlitzer 1015 Problem fitting cd player

geschrieben von - posted by stricko 
Wurlitzer 1015 Problem fitting cd player
08.12.23 15:49
Hi there. My cd player was faulty and has been successfully repaired. But I have a problem fitting it back into the jukebox.

When I fit the player, it is not flat. The screws at the far end of the player (in yellow circle) are not tight to the mounting plate. At the other end (nearest the front, in the red circle) are tight, but the cd player is above the level of the mounting plate. The CDs do not play, and are too low for the return arm.

Any ideas?

Re: Wurlitzer 1015 Problem fitting cd player
09.12.23 15:09
You can not use it like this.
Put out the unit and fitt it right .

On the CDM player there are rings and grommets there are not well mounted.
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