Wurlitzer 1700

geschrieben von - posted by zim 
Wurlitzer 1700
04.06.23 17:12
I am new to working on Wurlitzer Jukeboxes. My expertise is with Rockola and Seeburg so I hope this is not to dumb but I recently acquired a Wurlitzer 1700. It is missing the Stepper unit. I assume I need tis even though I am not using a wallbox?
Re: Wurlitzer 1700
04.06.23 17:25

The stepper is only required if a wallbox is to be connected. The right stepper is 253.
Re: Wurlitzer 1700
04.06.23 22:53
In the wiring diagram of the W 1700, the stepper 255 is shown, not the 253.

Best wishes
Re: Wurlitzer 1700
05.06.23 03:10
Thanks for your help. I will start digging into it.
Re: Wurlitzer 1700
05.06.23 09:13
I am new to working on Wurlitzer Jukeboxes. My expertise is with Rockola and Seeburg so I hope this is not to dumb but I recently acquired a Wurlitzer 1700. It is missing the Stepper unit. I assume I need tis even though I am not using a wallbox?

If you do not like using a wallbox, also NO stepper unit is required!

Re: Wurlitzer 1700
05.06.23 13:40
You can use both steppers 253 and 255 but the 255 is more common.
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