Wurlitzer C115

geschrieben von - posted by seancalla 
Wurlitzer C115
27.01.22 20:58
While this isn't strictly a jukebox it's related. It's a Wurlitzer C115 background music player which plays cassettes, 10 in total which when working goes from one cassette to another and changes when end of tape is reached. The unit has two cassette players in it with pinch rollers and belts replaced a few years ago. The cassette when loaded rejects after a few seconds. When you use it without a cassette I can see the capstan and pinch roller moving but when a cassette is loaded it tries to move but won't so causing it to be rejected as if it thinks it was at the end of the cassette. Are there a difference in pinch roller specs or should the belt be relatively loose not too loose and not too tight. I have managed to get a cassette to load on one player but it plays very slow almost as if the the capstan and pinch roller are going too slow or meeting some resistance. I have tried a number of cassettes just to rule the cassette out. While I am used to record jukeboxes this is my first venture into cassette players. If anyone has dealt with one of these machines before I would appreciate advise.
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