Nsm emerald ice CD jukebox 27.08.20 20:45 |
Registriert - Registered: 14 Jahre - Years Einträge - Posts: 275 |
Looking for help with a title holder assembly for an emerald ice nsm CD jukebox. The drives front and back won't move the title holders. I did think it was a blockage took them all out no blockages worm gears are ok. Changed board for motors still the same. When machine is turned on the action for the worm gears is there for about 30 seconds but the drives for the title holders are not moving. Anything that could cause this. The plastic drives can be moved by hand so nothing blocking them.
Looking for help with a title holder assembly for an emerald ice nsm CD jukebox. The drives front and back won't move the title holders. I did think it was a blockage took them all out no blockages worm gears are ok. Changed board for motors still the same. When machine is turned on the action for the worm gears is there for about 30 seconds but the drives for the title holders are not moving. Anything that could cause this. The plastic drives can be moved by hand so nothing blocking them.
Re: Nsm emerald ice CD jukebox 30.08.20 21:56 |
Registriert - Registered: 19 Jahre - Years Einträge - Posts: 220 |
Have you ever removed all titleholders?
If it works then these are incorrectly used.
or which are bent
Translated with google
If it works then these are incorrectly used.
or which are bent
Translated with google
Re: Nsm emerald ice CD jukebox 31.08.20 11:53 |
Registriert - Registered: 19 Jahre - Years Einträge - Posts: 4.307 |
Wenn alle Titelhalter entfernt wurden müssen diese in einer bestimmten Reihenfolge wieder eingesetzt werden . Schau dafür Bitte mal im Handbuch nach , dort steht das genau Beschrieben .
Re: Nsm emerald ice CD jukebox 02.09.20 10:05 |
Registriert - Registered: 14 Jahre - Years Einträge - Posts: 275 |
I have got the title holders moving again. The light barriers underneath the rollers were faulty. It is nearly fully working except a title holder at the back of the unit will get stuck when moving it in an antixlockwise direction. Strangely it will not get stuck when moving in a clockwise direction. This is seen with only just one title holder in the unit. The title holder is not broken and I don't see anything impeding it's movement
I have got the title holders moving again. The light barriers underneath the rollers were faulty. It is nearly fully working except a title holder at the back of the unit will get stuck when moving it in an antixlockwise direction. Strangely it will not get stuck when moving in a clockwise direction. This is seen with only just one title holder in the unit. The title holder is not broken and I don't see anything impeding it's movement
Re: Nsm emerald ice CD jukebox 17.09.20 21:27 |
Registriert - Registered: 14 Jahre - Years Einträge - Posts: 275 |
Just an update. I have got it working again. The front driver was stopping about 1mm from the end rubber stop. After I adjusted it started to work again
Just an update. I have got it working again. The front driver was stopping about 1mm from the end rubber stop. After I adjusted it started to work again
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