nsm consulette preamplifiere wiring
17.07.19 10:06
Does anyone know, where I can find the nsm consulette (ES2) preamplifier (217 040) scheme and adjustment data.
I have a original service manual, but there are no amplifier scheme.

Weiß jemand, wo ich das Schema und die Einstellungsdaten des nsm consulette (ES2) -Vorverstärkers (217 040) finden kann.
Ich habe ein Original-Wartungshandbuch, aber es gibt kein Verstärkerschema.

admin (Administrator)
Re: nsm consulette preamplifiere wiring
13.08.19 11:32
Hello Andres,

The service manual for any ES jukeboxes (ES, ES II, ES II-O, ES III) do not include schematics.
The schematics for amplifier, eventually wiring diagram, control and credit unit and operating scheme are large ones (ca. 60 x 80 cm).
Please check if another number is given on the preamp as well. Because NSM used next to part number so called "Sach-Nr." (a kind of code) which is not listed in any manuals or parts lists.

Viele Grüße - Hildegard Stamann als admin
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