Wurlitzer Sl60 no led lights

geschrieben von - posted by Andrew C 
Wurlitzer Sl60 no led lights
12.05.19 15:07

Can anybody help me diagnose a problem with the song selection led mechanism . Everything else seems to be working ?
Re: Wurlitzer Sl60 no led lights
23.05.19 12:49
Hello Andrew,

is it model SL600 by Deutsche Wurlitzer?
If so they use wedge based lamps, not LEDs - in case you mean the lamps for record indicator.

Kind regards - Hildegard Stamann
Re: Wurlitzer Sl60 no led lights
13.06.19 16:56
Apologies for the re response but yes it is the sl600 and the problem is being unable to select any songs as the selection led lights are off , I’ve checked the wiring from the select and credit computer to the selection screen and the fuses, but no joy ?

Regards Andrew
Re: Wurlitzer Sl60 no led lights
13.06.19 22:48
Schwer zu verstehen aber sofern der Greifarm über dem Platten Magazin steht und voll geöffnet hat muss sich bei Betätigung der Korbraste vorne rechts am Platten Magazin der Korb Drehen . Dabei muss die eine LED der SCC bei jedem Fach einmal aufblinken und irgendwann bei einem 360 Grad Dreh die andere einmal . Leuchten die beide dauernd ist wahrscheinlich die Glühlampe in der Lichtschranke defekt . Passiert da garnichts dürfte auch das Display keine Anzeige machen . Dann ist irgendwas mit der SCC nicht in Ordnung . Spannungsproblem oder Reset wären jetzt zwei einfache Fehler . Du kannst auch sofern alle Brücken die für die Kreditvergabe Nötig sind gesetzt sind durch Drücken der Kredittaste am Münzprüfer die rechte LED zum blinken bringen dabei sollte das Relais für den Zähler pulsend anziehen so oft wie Kredite gegeben werden . Ich bin mir nur nicht sicher ob die Programversion bei der SL600 erst "eine Runde drehen" vorschreibt bevor der Rechner sich über das Display meldet .
Re: Wurlitzer Sl60 no led lights
15.06.19 10:36
Hi Any chance you translate the last thread to English please ?
admin (Administrator)
Re: Wurlitzer Sl60 no led lights
15.06.19 12:20
Automatic translation:

Hard to understand, but if the gripper arm is positioned above the record magazine and is fully open, the basket must rotate when the basket ratchet is actuated at the front right of the record magazine. One of the SCC's LEDs must flash once for each compartment and the other once at some point during a 360 degree turn. If both are constantly lit, the incandescent lamp in the light barrier is probably defective. If nothing at all happens, the display should not show any indication either. Then there is something wrong with the SCC. Voltage problem or reset would now be two simple errors. You can also, if all bridges necessary for the credit are set, by pressing the credit button on the coin validator make the right LED to blink. The relay for the counter should be energized intermittent as often as credits were given.
I'm just not sure if the program version of the SL600 requires "one turn" before the computer shows up on the display.
Re: Wurlitzer Sl60 no led lights
16.06.19 09:32
Thanks admin
The led lights are flashing once for every compartment and once for a full 360 turn plus the right hand light illuminates when you press the coin button but still not able to get the selection lights on ?
Re: Wurlitzer Sl60 no led lights
16.06.19 11:46
Whats about the jumper on the SCC ? They are necessary for credit .
Re: Wurlitzer Sl60 no led lights
16.06.19 19:56
It’s on free play I don’t think I’ve disconnected any of em but I’ll double check . Do you think it will guid me in the manual I’ve got ?
Re: Wurlitzer Sl60 no led lights
18.06.19 07:07
Wenn du die Box einschaltest macht der Korb dann einen Umlauf ?

Wenn der Korb einen Umlauf gemacht hat sollte das Display was Anzeigen , Entweder die Anzahl der Kredite oder die Aktuelle Position vom Korb . Eventuell auch die Hitparade . Das kommt ganz auf die SCC Version an . Wird auf dem Display dann was angezeigt ?
Re: Wurlitzer Sl60 no led lights
24.06.19 17:57
Can we translate please admin ?
Re: Wurlitzer Sl60 no led lights
24.06.19 19:42
Hi Andrew,

There are several translation programmes available on internet. For example "google translator" or "deepl". I personally prefer "deepl":


You can copy and paste the whole text into the translator. It is quite easy. Please try.

admin (Administrator)
Re: Wurlitzer Sl60 no led lights
25.06.19 09:19
Hello Andrew,

Sorry, I did not read your question until now. I also use "deepl" often when I am not sure enough with my own translation or when getting email written in a language I don't know. It helps in general to communicate with others though different languages are involved.
You might want to give it a try.

Besides this Swen asked (my own translation):

When switching on the jukebox does the record basket make a rotation?
If it makes a rotation the display should show something, either the amount of credits or the current position of the record basekt. The "Hitparade" might be possible too. It depends on the SCC version. Does the display show anything?

Kind regards - Hildegard Stamann, admin
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