Rockola tempo 1 200 - problem with speed of turntable

geschrieben von - posted by vincent barré 
Rockola tempo 1 200 - problem with speed of turntable
01.12.04 21:39
Hello, i'm the proud owner of a tempo 1 1959 rockola

but i've got a problem with speed of turntable who's not regular; i changed the tension spring, i changed the idler wheel and the 50 hertz conversion spring but the speed of the turntable isn't regular !!!!

Does anybody know what the matter ???



Re: Rockola tempo 1 200 - problem with speed of turntable
01.12.04 22:08
Hello vincent,

I guess the TT-Speed is too low. Check the bearings (oil) and the rubber mounting of the TT-motor. At least I think there are also more sizzes of conversion springs.

kind regards


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