RO 1448 selector unit assembly

geschrieben von - posted by alanm43 
RO 1448 selector unit assembly
23.05.13 12:42
Hi there
I have a problem with the pin bank. when I select 1-40 its fine, when I select 41-80 its fine, when I select 81-100 its ok until I get to 101-120, when I select this bank of numbers , the clapper coil does not operate for those numbers, but I get selections 61-80 instead. I have checked the wires up to the clapper coil and they are fine. is the clapper coil burnt out.
thanks alanm43
Re: RO 1448 selector unit assembly
23.05.13 15:37
Hi there
ha ha you are too late, I have found the problem. microswitch adjustment needed on program panel.
thanks anyway
Re: RO 1448 selector unit assembly
23.05.13 15:37
Hello again ,
one possible reason :
These switches at the keyboard assembly :
From here the selector knows , which bank of selections is pressed.
Regards Klaus

Re: RO 1448 selector unit assembly
23.05.13 15:50
Always too late !?
Re: RO 1448 selector unit assembly
23.05.13 16:51
hi B&K
nice to know you are keeping an eye on me and looking after my interest.
thanks alanm43
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