Rockola 434

geschrieben von - posted by seancalla 
Rockola 434
13.05.13 14:08
This machine has a working 41056-1A tube amplifier for sound anyway. I have cleaned all contacts in the control box, mute realy and play control relay, however i don't have the mute function. There is no mute before the start of the record or at the end of the record. Also there is no mute if i scan the record basket, any suggestions. I have measure the resistance of the resistors around the vincinity of the mute relay and they are all are reading fine
Re: Rockola 434
13.05.13 15:17
Have you checked the mute relay? It should work if you connect the coil to 24V.
It is energized if there is no record playing.
BTW: The relay in my 434 was also broken. I simply replaced it with a modern relay.
Re: Rockola 434
13.05.13 15:33
Thanks Marc.
was going to check the relay itself tonight, have to take out the amp and extend a few cables, as a matter of interest what specification is on the relay(ohms) and where did you source it
Re: Rockola 434
13.05.13 20:49
I used a generic 24V DPST or DPDT relay I had lying around. I don't know where I bought it, it's in my amplifier since 9 years and has been in the parts box for a few years. I think I bought in in a small electronics shop 200m away from my home smiling smiley
But these relays are common parts.
Re: Rockola 434
13.05.13 21:10
thanks Marc, have some myself lying around, just wondering was there a particular ohm range for the relay
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