Rockola 470

geschrieben von - posted by seancalla 
Rockola 470
14.04.11 12:24
I have a rockola 470 with amplifier part 48350-1A, i have no sound in the left channel (although you can hear the hiss type noise from the left speaker when a record is not playing), no sound from the bass speaker or smaller speaker when a record is playing. Fuses are ok, no loose connections, nothing visually wrong with the compenents.Has anybody any thoughts or ideas what to check.
Just to note when i disconnect the volume control and play a record you can hear sound in both the small speakers and when i reconnect only sound can be heard from the left channel
Re: Rockola 470
16.04.11 13:17
sorry the last message was confusing the last sentence should be sound from the right channel can only be heard
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