nsm heritage cd jukebox ES 5.1

geschrieben von - posted by seancalla 
nsm heritage cd jukebox ES 5.1
14.04.10 20:19
I have a machine that intermittently plays cds and sometimes there is distortion, other times it is fine
the cd unit is stamped as a cd pro, will a cdm 12 unit be compatable
i have tried the usual thing s such as cleaning the lens, the type of cd seems to make no difference
anyway, any help appreciated
Sean, Ireland
Re: nsm heritage cd jukebox ES 5.1
15.04.10 07:18
Hello Sean

Distortion is commonly not caused by the CD unit, but by the amplifier. You can try to connect an external CD player or MP3 player to the jukebox amplifier. If the distortion exists further, then it is proven that it is because of the amplifier. Possibly the internal jukebox CD player must be playing during this test, in order to deactivate the audio muting.

Greetings from Austria - charly49
Re: nsm heritage cd jukebox ES 5.1
15.04.10 07:51
In den NSM-Automaten ist eine Entzerrer-Platine fürs CD-Laufwerk. Sie sitzt verdeckt oben im CD-Schacht unter einer Metall-Blende oberhalb der beiden Lämpchen. Die kann man reparieren lassen.

Gruß Matze
Re: nsm heritage cd jukebox ES 5.1
16.04.10 19:46
thanks for the replies , i will look into it
Re: nsm heritage cd jukebox ES 5.1
04.05.10 19:30
i have nsm heritage 100 cd wallbox it displays error 73 can anyone help dont have manual
Re: nsm heritage cd jukebox ES 5.1
05.05.10 03:27
Manual ? [www.jukebox-world.de]

und bitte einen eigenen Beitrag aufmachen sonst wird es unübersichtlich Danke !

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