Serenade Festival 130D

geschrieben von - posted by pitinwhv 
Serenade Festival 130D
31.01.15 17:07
Frage an alle Serenade Festival Freaks, wie funktioniert die Anzeige der gerade laufenden Platte?
Auf dem Deckglas sind zwar alle Platten aufgeführt aber unter dem Deckglas ist nichts.
Meiner Meinung nach müßte da irgendwas am Laufwagen befestigt sein, Lämpchen?
Gruß PitinWHV.
Re: Serenade Festival 130D
01.02.15 14:01
Sorry, have to do this in english. The selection pointer on a Festival, Prestige, hit 130 and many other early 70' s NSM is very basic. A transparant, but yellow colored rectangle "pen" is mounted on top of the record player, pointing to the print on the glass. If a selection is played, the selection on the printed list is than colored yellow. If the player moves, you can see it on the glass, the yellow dot follows, of course. The plastic, colored pen must be mounted very clost to the glass , without scraping on it ! takes a few adjustments before you get it in the right position, but its fun to watch it. :) I used the handle of a long, plastic " party spoon" ! grinning smiley
Re: Serenade Festival 130D
01.02.15 17:15
Hello Dirk,
thanks for info,, do you have a sharp picture of that strange thing?
Regards PitinWHV.
Re: Serenade Festival 130D
01.02.15 19:44
Her are 3 pictures of what i mean. These are pictures of my own Festival 130. I used blue because the effect is more prominent, but if you want to keep your machine " as original " , it should be yellow for a Prestige hit 130, or red for a Festival hit 130. Hope this makes things clear for you ! Wish you many hours of jukebox fun ! Regards, Dirk.

Re: Serenade Festival 130D
01.02.15 20:04
Sorry ! forgotten to close in pics of my Festival 130. Colors chaged to my personal taste. Original is not so colorful, but i dont care ! grinning smiley

Re: Serenade Festival 130D
01.02.15 20:42
Hello Dirk,
thank you.
Regards PitinWHV.
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