Wurlizer CD Jukebox > Bluetooth and title cards help.

geschrieben von - posted by teakkeri  
Wurlizer CD Jukebox > Bluetooth and title cards help.
14.03.13 07:52

Is there anybody ho can help us following problem.
I just get in our office two jukebox. Model: wurlizer one more time, CD version with Ipod dock.
What we liked to is listen music with Iphone via Bluetooth.
So we have to buy bluetooth receiver that's ok.
In this receiver is two possible plugs one is RCA plug and other is 3,2mm mick plug.
But what I do not know is that where I should blug in this receiver. I tru some points but not luck so far.

Also liked to know what program you recommend when I have to do title cards.
Ebay is lot of difrent programs, free and not free but if you check example pictures those title cards do not look nice.
Is there some program where you can print very good qulaity and style title cards?

Looking forward to hear your commnents.
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