Rowe Ami Canterburry - Bonuslied

geschrieben von - posted by tazonam 
Rowe Ami Canterburry - Bonuslied
28.03.11 19:52
Hallo Leute!
Habe seit kurzen eine Rowe Ami Canterburry!
Spielt toll alle Lieder, wenn aber alle Lieder fertig sind spielt sie noch ein paar mal immer die selbe Nummer 3-4 mal ab, bis sie dann in die Ausgangsposition zurückgeht.
In meinem Fall ist es die Nr. 215 B-Seite.
Was hat`s da????
Re: Rowe Ami Canterburry - Bonuslied
29.03.11 10:18
Hello tazonam,

Can you confirm that the jukebox you are having problems with is the 1977 Rowe Ami RI-2 Canterbury?

If the above is correct and you are sellecting all the correct records but it plays an additional record in your case 215 then there is more than likely a problem with the Memory Unit (located under the Encoder on the mechanism).
If you press the clear memory switch on the memory unit it will clear all the memory and the mechanisn should scan out.
On the next selection more than likely it will again play all of your selections but will include 215.

I have seen this on a few custom LSI chips and the only way forword is to locate another chip. The LSI was deleted Rowe Ami in 1980/81 this chip was manufactured by Motorola and there is no replacement.

I do repairs on these boards and could confirm if the LSI chip was the issue. I always ask for the set of boards so it resolves any other issues, these boards are:-

Memory Unit 601-07666
Mechanism Control Unit 401-06905
Selector Logic 601-08060

If you require my services contact me off of line.

Alan Hood
Re: Rowe Ami Canterburry - Bonuslied
12.04.11 11:44
Hello Dieter,

The fault did indeed turn out to be the LSI chip that is faulty and retaining the 215 selection in memory.
I have tested all the boards and replaced the LSI custom chip.

I will be contacting you off of line for your details etc.


Alan Hood
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