wurlitzer 1800

geschrieben von - posted by rockola111 
wurlitzer 1800
01.04.10 16:35
Hello all, i have a Wurlitzer 1800. The only serial number on it is 1803. This is on the plate on the back as well as inside the machine on the mech. The sides of the machine are in a leatherette type of covering which looks original and i have seem the same on earlier jukeboxes. The machine came off an army base in germany where it had apparently been from new. Can anyone help with it's age and explain the sides? Any info would be helpfull.
Re: wurlitzer 1800
01.04.10 17:42
Hello rockola111,

I'd say your's is a so called "Husemann 1800". This means Husemann imported Wurlitzer jukeboxes back in the 50s (started in early 1953 or so).
Some models got some cabinet re-design like textile leather and different speakers. Usually they also got a new / second ID plate which refers to Husemann.

Here at [www.jukebox-world.de] you'll find some information about Wurliter 1800 and Husemann.

Kind regards - Hildegard Stamann
Re: wurlitzer 1800
01.04.10 18:42
Thankyou very much, that explains a great deal and backs up the story of the jukebox coming off an army base in Germany. The jukebox is pretty much untouched and still sounding fantastic. The textile sides have always been a mystery to me. Thanks again.

Re: wurlitzer 1800
22.11.10 10:56
Meine Wurlitzer 1800 hat kürzlich ihren Geist aufgegeben. Es qualmte aus dem Innenraum und eine Sicherung sprang heraus.
Welches Teil sich verabschiedet hat konnte ich nicht lokalisieren da ich keinen Schaltplan habe, sowie mich technisch
kaum auskenne. Wie soll ich am besten vorgehen ? Wer kann helfen ?

Wolfgang aus Langenhagen bei Hannover
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